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Fitness And Conditioning
Instructor Notes

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Components of Physical Fitness:

  1. Cardiorespiratory Fitness / Endurance - defined as the capacity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to deliver oxygen to the working muscles for sustained periods of energy production.
  2. Muscular Strength - defined as the maximum force that can be exerted by a muscle or muscle group against a resistance.
  3. Muscular Endurance - defined as the capacity of a muscle to exert force repeatedly, or to hold a fixed or static contraction over time.  This is normally measured by the number of contractions in a given length of time.
  4. Flexibility - defined as the ability of limbs to move at the joints through a normal range of motion.
  5. Body Composition - defined as the body's relative percentageof fat as compared to lean tissue.

Some Definitions:

Skill-related components of physical fitness Guidelines for Exercise – American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) A well-rounded exercise program including cardiorespiratory, resistance, and flexibility training is recommended for healthy individuals.  It is important to design a program to include the proper amount of physical activity to achieve maximal benefit with minimal risk and investment of time.  Another consideration in program design is progression.  It is recommended that the unconditioned exerciser start with lower intensity exercise and gradually add time as endurance increases.  Starting out too fast can result in injury.  Proper warm up and cool down is important.  Excessive soreness or fatigue are sure signs of overexertion.  Muscle soreness can be a result of omitting stretching, stretching improperly, or of muscle injury.

Types of Aerobic Conditioning Commonly Used in Fitness Programs

Benefits of regular exercise

An estimated 250,000 deaths per year in the US can be attributed to lack of regular physical activity.  It is important to recognize that lower intensity, regular activity yields substantial health benefits.  The ACSM, US Centers for Disease Control, and President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports formulated the following recommendations:

  1. Scientific research clearly demonstrates that regular, moderate-intensity physical activity provides substantial health benefits.
  2. Physical activity appears to provide some protection against several chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, adult onset of diabetes, hypertension, certain cancers, osteoporosis, and depression.
  3. It is recommended that “every American adult should accumulate 30 minutes ormore of moderate-intensity physical activity over the course of most days of the week.”
  4. “Because most Americans fail to meet this recommended level of moderate-intensity physical activity, almost all should strive to increase their participation in moderate or vigorous physical activity.”
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