WSI Teaching Self-Evaluation
At the end of your teaching assignment you need to honestly evaluate
how you did and set goals to help you get better. There is no need
to beat yourself up but there is a need for you to be constantly trying
to improve. That is how you learn to become and good teacher and
how good teachers become great teachers.
The Evaluation Component
Did the students understand?
Did they understand the big picture? (the lesson goals)
Did they understand the drills? (the smaller details)
Did the students produce the desired result?
Did the lesson "flow" from one part to the next the way you had wanted?
If not, what might be changed to make it more effective?
The the students HEAR and SEE you adequately? Was your tone or accent
a problem? Were you standing in the wrong spot?
Did students stay busy or did they get bored?
Was every one safe or did someone flounder when it wasn't planned.
(It is okay to build some planned flounderings into your lesson as long
as you are prepared to make the rescues and the students still feel secure.
Did the cue words work and were they helpful?
Where the demons on deck and in the water helpful and ACCURATE? Or
did they cause students to make mistakes when they imitated you?
The Improvement Component
Seclect one area you want to improve in the next lesson you teach.
That could be organization, safety, flow, cue words, or teaching drills.
Decide what extra preparation you need to do in order to accomplish that
goal and then do it.