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Aqua Aerobics - PE 245abcd
Spring 2004

Hydro-Tone Muscle Endurance Test Worksheet

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Directions: You will be given several Hydro-Tone muscle endurance tests at the beginning and the end of the semester. You need to record the results of those tests on the chart below. In the last column record the difference in the two test dates for each of the muscle groups and indicate + (increase) or - (decrease) in test results.

Hydro-Tone Test Begin. of Semester End of Semester Change Over Semester
Date Measurement Taken      
12-Minute Shallow Water Run      
Bicep/Tricep Curls      
Anterior/Posterior Deltoids      
Medial Deltoid/Lattisimus Dorsi      
Hip Abductor/Adductor Test      

Date Last Modified 13 August 2000

 Linda Delzeit-McIntyre
