Study Questions for WSI Written Final
- How do you establish your home chapter?
- What is a 5736?
- What are the requirements for filling out a course record and submitting
- When do you need to show the Red Cross Swimming and Diving Video?
- When do you teach safety information and techniques?
- As a WSI, what can you teach?
- What are the minimum age requirements for all classes you can teach?
- What is the goal of each of the courses you can teach?
- What is the time requirements for each of the courses you can teach?
- What are the passing requirements for each of the courses you can teach?
- What is the minimum passing grade on any Red Cross written test?
- What skills are included in each of the progressive swimming levels?
- What is the duration of the IPAP class sessions?
- Who is eligible to teach Safety Training for Swim Coaches?
- What can Water Safety Aides do?
- What is the minimum depth for teaching diving?
- What is the difference between a block plan and a lesson plan?
- What are you allowed to do when teaching strokes to disabled persons?
- Understand each of the following terms:
- kinesthetic awareness
- wave drag
- lift forces
- law of acceleration
- aerobics
- mainstreaming
- F.I.T. principles
- target heart rate
- warning signals for over-exercising
- swimming etiquette
- sculling
- inertia
- Know the various methods of teaching.