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Taught by Linda Delzeit-McIntyre  
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PE 242 - Lifeguard Training, Section 8488 - Fall 2011

Course Description and How It Can Meet a Variety of Student Needs

This class is designed to train students in the latest Red Cross Lifeguard certification. The new Red Cross Lifeguard Training certification includes the CPR, AED, Oxygen Administration, and first aid guidelines. The class will include waterfront lifeguarding. Those students who possess current Lifeguard Training certifications can earn instructor certifications in Lifeguard Training, First Aid, CPR and AED.  Additional manuals will be required and additional written assignments will be required of those students wishing instructor certification.

Student Learning Outcome (SLO):
Students will be demonstrate proper techniques in response to the most common swimming pool emergencies in and around the water.

Specific objectives include the following:

  1. Students will select and perform the correct technique for rescuing distress swimmers, panic and submerged victims.
  2. Students will select the perform the correct technique for responding to suspected spinal injuries in shallow and deep water.
  3. Students will perform CPR skills for infant, child and adult breathing and circulatory emergencies.
  4. Students will select and perform the appropriate response to sudden illness and acute injuries that could happen around a swimming pool.

Instructor: Linda Delzeit (email: ldelzeit@elcamino.edu)
Time: 6:15 to 8:35 pm on Fridays
Meet: Meet at the ECC pool for the first class meeting

Office: PE 214 and Office Hour: Fridays from 5-6:00 pm and students can make appointments to meet at other times.

Required Red Cross Textbooks:

  • Lifeguarding Training (ISBN # 1-58480-075-5) Stock No. 655720 available at Shop Staywell
  • Lifeguard Management (ISBN # 1-58480-152-2) - comes with CD-ROM - available at Shop Staywell

Required at each class: textbook, paper, pen/pencil, swimsuit, goggles, towel.
Web Site: http://youth.net/ecc/

This class moves very quickly and attendance at all sessions is critical.  No watches and no jewelry are allowed during the water portion of the class.

Tentative Teaching Schedule - This is the in-water portion of the class:

Sept. 2 Orientation; Read Chapters 1 - 2 from LGT; Read Chapters 1-2 LGT-M book
Sept. 9 Swim Test (500 yards, 5 basic strokes, surface dive, pick up 10# brick in 9', underwater swim 15 yards, tread water one minute without using hands); Work on kicks and basic swimming skills; Read Chapters 3-4 in LGT and Chapter 8 from LGT-M; FIT manual; FIT slides
Sept. 16 Victim recognition, Emergency Action plans/problems/situations; Basic rescue Skills; Read Chapter 5 from LGT and Chapters 3-4 from LGT-M book
Sept. 23 Conclude teaching basic rescue skills; Read Chapter 8 from LGT
Sept. 30 Spinal Injury Management; Read Chapters 5-6 from LGT-M
Oct. 7 Spinal Injury Management; Read Chapter 13 from LGT book; Read Chapter 9 from LGT-M book; study questions
Oct. 14 LGT water rescue skills review and TESTING; Read Chapter 9
Oct. 21 Waterfront Module; Read Chapter 6 from LGT book and Chapter 7 from LGT-M book; waterfront skills

Next is the First Aid and CPR portion of the class

Oct. 28 First Aid; Waterfront written Test
Nov. 4 Begin CPR
Nov. 11 Holiday
Nov. 18 Conclude CPR; Read Chapters 7, 11 and 12 from LGT book
Nov. 25 Holiday
Dec. 2 AED and Oxygen Administration; LGT written Test
Dec. 9 Final written examinations
Dec. 16 Make-up testing as needed


Points are awarded for each of the skills tests in the class. This includes the water skills, the First Aid and CPR skills. Points are also awarded for each of the written tests. Red Cross certificates are awarded only upon successful completion of all required skills and passing the written tests with 80% or better. Letter grades are awarded as follows:

  • Grade of A = 90-100%
  • Grade of B = 80-89%
  • Grade of C = 70-79%
  • Grade of D = 60-69%
  • Grade of E = below 60%