Instructor Candidate Training
Student Notes

Red Cross Mission = To improve the quality of human life; to enhance self-reliance and concern for others; and to help people avoid, prepare for, and cope with emergencies.

Instructor Responsibilities

Four Steps in Instructor Training
  1. Prerequisites for instructor specialty course.  (basic courses, age, skills check, experience, permission by authorizing unit)
  2. Instructor Candidate Training course.  (attending all sessions, passing written test, participation in assignments)
  3. Instructor Specialty Course (course components and how to teach them, administrative policies and procedures)
  4. Certification and authorization (confirmation that all requirements have been met and endorsement by the authorizing unit to teach)
Definition of Learning = Learning is a process of change through which people acquire new knowledge, skills, or attitudes as a result of some type of study or experience.  Learning occurs over time and should be considered a lifelong process or experience.

Instructor can provide the right kind of learning environment but the student must do the learning and must want to learn.

Four Concepts of Learning

  1. Motivation
  2. Association
  3. Repetition
  4. Senses
Student Characteristics that may affect learning: Instructor Characteristics that affect teaching ability: Three Part of communication
  1. ____________________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________________
Types of Communication Instructor Functions Feedback - should be given as soon as possible after an error occurs.
  1. Positive - verbal or nonverbal; encourages and reinforces
  2. Negative - does not provide correction or enhance learning
  3. Corrective - describes the error or behavior in nonjudgmental way; defines how the error affects the results; describes the corrective action that needs to be taken.
Methods of Teaching Knowledge and Attitudes
  1. Lecturette
  2. Discussions
  3. Task groups
  4. Explanation
  5. Demonstration
  6. Practice
Methods for Teaching Motor Skills
  1. Drills
  2. Task Practice
  3. Station Practice
  4. Reciprocal practice
Breaking down a Skill
  1. Part-whole approach
  2. Progressive-part approach
  3. Whole-part-whole approach
Criteria for course completion
  1. Attendance
  2. Skill performance
  3. Passing written test
Skill performance Criteria